The Power of a Simple Change: Getting Rid of Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia, characterized by low blood sugar levels, can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms such as shakiness, irritability, anxiety, and headaches. Surprisingly, many individuals with hypoglycemic symptoms have normal blood sugar levels. The key lies in understanding the concept of insulin resistance and making a simple dietary change to address the underlying issue. In this article, we will explore the root causes of hypoglycemia, debunk common myths, and introduce a transformative solution to overcome this condition.

The Power of a Simple Change: Getting Rid of Hypoglycemia

Understanding Hypoglycemia and Insulin Resistance

  • The technical definition of hypoglycemia
  • The connection between hypoglycemic symptoms and normal blood sugar levels
  • Introduction to insulin resistance and its role in hypoglycemia
  • How insulin works to regulate blood sugar levels

1.The Earplug Analogy

  • Using an analogy of wearing earplugs to explain insulin resistance
  • Insulin resistance as the resistance to the action of insulin on glucose
  • The need for high insulin levels to compensate for insulin resistance

2.Unveiling the Underlying Cause

  • The role of carbohydrates in triggering insulin release
  • The impact of refined and concentrated sugars on insulin levels
  • The frequency of eating and its effect on chronic insulin spikes
  • Development of insulin resistance due to prolonged insulin spikes

The Myth of Small, Frequent Meals and Breakfast

  • Debunking the myth of small, frequent meals to prevent low blood sugar
  • Exploring the false belief that frequent meals stimulate metabolism
  • Challenging the notion of breakfast as the most important meal
  • The connection between insulin response and hunger after eating

The Downward Spiral of Small Meals and Sugar Fixes

  • Why small protein meals can worsen hypoglycemia in the long run
  • The detrimental effects of sugar consumption on insulin levels
  • Temporary relief versus long-term exacerbation of symptoms

Embracing Fat as Fuel: The Solution to Hypoglycemia

  • Introducing the alternative fuel source: fat
  • Highlighting the abundant fat stores in the body
  • Transitioning the body from glucose dependency to fat fuel
  • Benefits of running the body on ketones and fatty acids

1. The Efficiency of Fat Fuel

  • Comparison of the Krebs cycle for glucose and fat metabolism
  • The energy-saving advantage of running on ketones and fatty acids
  • Reduced stress on mitochondria and enhanced function
  • The potential impact on non-infectious diseases and overall health

2. The Simple Change: Lowering Carbohydrate Intake

  • The key step: restricting carbohydrates to below 50 grams per day
  • The body’s transition phase and measuring ketone levels
  • The use of urine and blood ketone tests to monitor progress
  • Gradually adapting to ketones as the primary fuel source


Hypoglycemia can be effectively addressed by understanding insulin resistance and making a simple dietary change. By lowering carbohydrate intake and transitioning the body to run on fat fuel, individuals can overcome the symptoms associated with hypoglycemia. Embracing the power of ketones and fatty acids as an alternative energy source brings numerous health benefits and may even help prevent various metabolic conditions. Take control of your health by implementing this one tiny, simple change and experience the transformative effects it can have on your well-being.
